Fashion / Beauty


How to navigate in a world of uncertainty, rapid changes, business model disruption and unpredictable consumer behavior?

Fashion / Beauty

+20.000 real silkke Avatars already produced by these brands

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New problems bring new choices

Disrupt or be disrupted. Innovation or termination.

If any, the fashion industry has been shaken by multiple waves of disruption: e-commerce, the rise of marketplaces, DNVBs, fast fashion, circular economy, social media... 

On top of these trends, or maybe because of them, the consumer is schizophrenic, with contrarian expectations: wanting brands to reduce their carbon emissions, praising local shopping but also ordering more than ever on fast-fashion megaplatforms, all the while claiming "the world will never be same" in a post-pandemic dystopian reality where data is king, choice is overwhelming and reasons to be optimistic at an all-time low.

We have matured a vision and crafted solutions for the fashion industry, in order to put together creativity, a strong desire of human connections, digital innovation and a little bit of craziness to elevate the value of brands and delight customers.

Automatic & scalable

silkke's motto is to democratize access to the best technologies, in terms of pricing and simplicity. Our goal is that every consumer on earth is able to experience our innovations.

Eco-friendly solutions

We strongly believe that ESG actions are essential and will go hand in hand with bold innovations. All silkke innovation contribute to a better world.

Mass-scale ultra personalization

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The shop experience is brought online

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Fashion / Beauty
Fashion / Beauty

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Fashion / Beauty

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Fashion / Beauty
Fashion / Beauty
Fashion / Beauty
Fashion / Beauty


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