The first real crypto-active DIGITAL HUMAN dedicated to production & Metaverses
A 3D animated Digital double for everybody on the planet: it will sooner than you think become the de facto ultimate asset for the next digital era.

Universal real Digital Human
A new identity for everybody in a hyper-realistic quality, marked for life by the operator, brands & partners.
Authentic self-representation, from a hundred of HD sensors. Perfect reproduction of the body & face. Dressable with any 3D fashion collection. The user can create several Digital Humans, representing as many aspects of his personality or his mood.
Automatic recognition of joints, regardless of body size. Face animation. Gifted with speech & emotions. Able to be animated to infinity without the need to go back into capsule. Scalable over time: in terms of resolution & animations.
Exclusive & lifetime property of its user, in compliance with the GDPR. Stored in silkke secured cloud with military protocols.
Web3 ready.
Digital Human only belongs to each user, silkke is just the safe of your most sensitive data
From 2011 our belief is that it is through Metaverse & augmented reality that the emotional, the human & the relational will come back to the top of priorities, help to bring people closer, by freeing themselves from all constraints.
From basic to ultra high definition, already outfit or making its own Fashion look
To optimise the automatic generation of every Digital Human, each passage inside capsule in dressed mode must follow the following dress code.
Therefore what to avoid: shining clothing & shoe, glossy leather, latex, glasses, scarves, scarf, jewelry, high or wedge heel, jacket or baggy shirt & sweater, hiding hand, high/rolled-up/protruding collar, hood, veil, khimar, skirt & dress, baggy pants, hair hiding face or neck & ears, ponytail, afro hairs & dreadlocks, cap/hat, long beard, beard hiding the mouth.
There are necessarily much fewer constraints for the undressed mode. A nylon wig cap is provided to the user before each capsule passage to hide his hair but always showing his ears.
Therefore what to respect: form-fitting or microfiber underwear, with underwire for bras, neutral & light color, no accessories, no jewelry.
silkke crypto-active Digital Human is your 3D animated digital double. It will become de facto the ultimate asset for the next digital era
Gifting your customers with a real Digital Human is a fun way to entertain them, create buzz, increase foot traffic in your stores & make them “dip their toe” in new interactions.
People & brands will realise that the real Digital Human is the key to every Metavers: customer relationship, sales, communication, ID, payment.
Pricing plan
Pricing depending on each country.